BEEDIE LUMINARIES – This is Insha from Cohort 2022 of our SHINE Program. With an undeniable passion for her studies and the student community around her, she was recently elected as the Vice President of Communications in the Science Undergraduate Society (SUS) at UBC for the upcoming school year. Alongside a team of 8 Executives in SUS, Insha is thrilled to represent nearly 10,000 undergraduate students and over 50 science-related clubs.
Here’s the story of how she got to where she is today.
INSHA MAJEED – Hi Everyone! I’m Insha, an incoming 3rd year student at UBC studying Microbiology and Immunology as well as a proud Beedie Luminary. A little about me is that I have moved multiple times in my life and have actually spent a good chunk of my life in Tajikistan. I was a barista for 2 years but I still prefer tea over coffee. During the school year, you’ll often find me juggling between lab work, studying, my part-time jobs, club meetings, volunteering, and various extracurricular commitments. But when I do catch a breather, I love to indulge in my passions like practicing mehindi art, watching archaeology documentaries, reading, and simply hanging out with loved ones—or maybe catching up on some much-needed sleep.
If I had to describe myself in one word, it would have to be “curious”. I love to learn about random things. I have always had this fascination with the world around me, eager to dive into new experiences and learn about random things. One of my guiding principles is to try everything at least once, even if it means occasionally making questionable decisions like doing the polar plunge. Admittedly, this approach has led me down some interesting paths, sometimes venturing outside my comfort zone.
Yet, despite the occasional misstep, I’ve come to appreciate the growth that comes from embracing uncertainty. I’m constantly reminded of just how vast the world is, with countless paths to explore and lessons to absorb. From unraveling the intricacies of the immune system to mastering what taste each coffee bean is the best at evoking , I find joy in expanding my understanding of the world, one curiosity at a time. Through this journey of exploration, I hope to not only learn more about my surroundings but also discover more about myself along the way.
Nice to meet you, Insha! It certainly sounds like you always have a lot going on. What motivates you?
What motivates me is thinking about what I would want people to remember me by. Reflecting on my highschool graduation, getting my yearbook signed was a significant experience in my life. The little notes from my fellow classmates, coworkers and teachers made me realize the profound influence each interaction can have. Whether big or small, every encounter shapes the impressions we leave behind, and I have made it a goal to strive to make those impressions positive and meaningful.
Another motivator for me is the fear of regret and the nagging thought of “what if.” My dad and I shared this mantra, a simple yet profound reminder to always try, no matter the outcome. It became a guiding principle, pushing me through some of my toughest moments. Because even if I stumble or fall short of my goals, I find solace in knowing that I dared to try. After all, isn’t the pursuit of something worthwhile inherently valuable? This mindset has often been the driving reason I step outside my comfort zone time and again, encouraging me to embrace new challenges and opportunities with courage and determination.
Congratulations on being elected as the next Science Undergraduate Society VP Comms! How did you get here? Here you always been involved in student organizations?
Yes, I’ve always been drawn to being involved in student organizations. Moving from city to city frequently played a significant role in this aspect of my life. Despite the changes, I consistently sought to create a sense of community wherever I went. From a young age, my parents instilled in me the importance and value of helping others and giving back to the community. They led by example, volunteering alongside me, and I experienced firsthand the fulfillment of being part of a supportive community where everyone lends a hand. The opportunity to work towards a larger goal that benefits others while meeting unique and talented individuals along the way is what continually drives me to join clubs and different communities.
I’ve been involved in student organizations since elementary school, whether it was fundraising or participating in multiple clubs in high school. Moving schools frequently, I found that joining clubs was the best way for me to adapt to new environments, connect with people who shared similar passions, learn about the school, and feel productive in the process. Whenever I changed schools, my first instinct was always to ask about available clubs to join. Each club I joined allowed me to learn more about myself and my passions. For instance, in the creative writing club, I discovered that I enjoyed reading more than writing. In student council, event planning became a passion of mine, and through first aid training, I found fulfillment in directly assisting others.

I wholeheartedly believe that there’s a club out there for everyone, and individuals should actively seek to get involved. While it’s a common misconception that clubs are primarily meant to boost your resume (and don’t get me wrong, this can be a perk), I see it as just a small part of the picture. Focusing solely on resume-building overlooks the true essence of clubs and all the other valuable benefits they offer. They serve as amazing outlets for having fun and meeting new people.
For me, the greatest joy of being involved in clubs is the people I’ve encountered along the way. Some of my closest friendships have started from these experiences, friendships that I might never have formed if not for the clubs I joined. Interacting with individuals from diverse backgrounds and life experiences has been incredibly rewarding. Collaborating with others and learning from their diverse perspectives, all while having fun and creating memorable experiences together, has truly been a joy for me.
Thanks for sharing. Your passion for the work you do is truly incredible. Can you walk us through your campaign and what you are most looking forward to next year?
A little background about my experience with the Science Undergraduate Society. My journey with the Science Undergraduate Society started when I joined as a first-year coordinator. As a commuter student, I was looking for ways to connect with campus life beyond just attending classes. Joining the first-year committee seemed like the perfect opportunity to meet new people and be part of organizing fun events. I had an amazing time with FYC, and it is what motivated me to stick with SUS and apply for more roles the following year.
This past year, I had the chance to serve as Assistant to the Vice President of Communications. Through this role, I had the opportunity to meet incredible individuals and delve into areas I never imagined I would be passionate about. From assisting in the launch of science student merchandise to organizing a LinkedIn photoshoot and running photography workshops, I was definitely pushed out of my comfort zone but I gained valuable insights and experiences as a result.
Additionally, my involvement as an executive member in both UBC PATHS (Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Targeted Hope and Support) and UBC Right to Play this past year offered me a unique perspective on the needs within the science community. These experiences provided invaluable insights into ways to support the Science society and helped me shape my campaign platform.

My involvement this year was the driving force behind my decision to run. Throughout my time in various clubs, I loved the people I had met this year and being able to see the things they accomplished together, and I wanted to continue creating an environment that allowed creativity and friendships to foster. I am a strong believer in there always being room for improvements, and I hope to take all I Learned from this year to improving Communications portfolio next year. My campaign focused on four promises:
- Boosting Science Clubs: Providing more resources and spotlighting the incredible work of science clubs through SUS platforms.
- Engagement: Increasing social media engagement with interactive content that reflects your science journey.
- Fostering Creativity: Introducing exciting initiatives like new merchandise and production projects, embracing shared science experiences.
- Building Community and Improving Accessibility: Enhancing communication across all platforms, connecting students to relevant news and events.
My mission was to amplify science student voices, not just listen but actively embrace them. I aim to create a community where everyone feels heard, valued, and connected. I’m committed to not only representing the science student body but also creating a supportive environment for my team. Plans for the next year include releasing a new line of merch, ensuring subtitles in production videos for accessibility, providing more resources to science clubs, improving the SUS website for comprehensive event information, and much more. Going forward I am really excited to meet new people and plan some amazing initiatives and events that can really bring the science community together.

Do you have any advice for students looking to get involved and join committees or run for student politics?
Step Out of Your Comfort Zone: The hardest step is often putting yourself out there and trying. It can be daunting to step outside your comfort zone into unknown environments with unfamiliar people, but the rewards are truly worth it. Joining committees exposes you to new experiences and people, fostering growth and potential friendships. Embrace the discomfort, since I have found it’s often where the most profound personal development occurs.
Stay True to Yourself: One of my friends told me early on in my campaign that the best thing you can do while campaigning is to stay true to yourself and be authentic, and I couldn’t agree more with this statement. Take the time to reflect on why you want to run and what you want to advocate for. Being true to yourself makes campaigning more genuine and allows you to connect with others on a deeper level. I find that this also really put things into perspective for me for the motivations behind why I wanted to run and as a result made doing the other more daunting things like making a campaigning account and doing a debate a lot more easier because you have something to run for.
Build a Support System: Surround yourself with friends, colleagues, and mentors who can support you throughout your campaign journey. They can help you bounce ideas, listen to your concerns, endorse you, and provide valuable feedback. Having a strong support system can make a significant difference in your confidence and success. I had many friends and co-workers who supported me in my campaign, who were there for me win or lose, and I found that their support was instrumental in me running in elections. Building this network not only provides emotional support but also reinforces your determination to make a difference.
Show Your Passion: When putting yourself out there, let your passion shine through. Even if you’re not used to marketing yourself or being in the spotlight, others will be able to see your genuine enthusiasm for making a difference in the community. Speak from the heart, share personal stories, and articulate why you’re deeply committed to your cause. Remember, passion is contagious, and by showcasing yours, you can possibly inspire others to join your cause and team.
Learn from the Past Experiences and Listen: One thing that helped me while running was taking the time to talk with various individuals within and outside the communications portfolio. This includes current and former chairs, the previous VP Communications, other AVP Communications members, students not directly involved in SUS, and coordinators within SUS. By seeking out their perspectives on SUS, understanding their views on areas for improvement, and learning from their past mistakes, you gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the role. These insights not only help you prepare for what lies ahead but also guide your efforts towards meaningful improvement. I would encourage anyone interested in running to invest time in reaching out to others and asking questions/ Based on my experience, I’m confident they’ll be more than willing to share their insights and help you on your journey.
Go for It: Despite any hesitations or fears, if you’re truly motivated and passionate about running, go for it. Regardless of the outcome, running for elections demonstrates your commitment to making a positive impact in the community.
Remember, whether you win or lose, your willingness to contribute and make a difference is what truly matters. So, don’t let fear hold you back from pursuing opportunities to get involved and make a difference.
That wraps it up from me! Thank you for joining me on this journey and for letting me share my experiences and advice with you. I hope you enjoyed reading along as much as I enjoyed sharing.
I also hope that my enthusiasm for clubs has sparked a little inspiration in you to explore and join some of your own. If you have any questions about my campaign, running for elections, getting involved with clubs like UBC SUS, or anything else, please feel free to reach out to me on Instagram @insha.maj or through Mobilize. I would love to help out or even just have a casual coffee chat!
Insha <3

Thank you, Insha. We can’t wait to see what you’re up to next year!
Read more about Luminaries like Insha here!
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