In the last few months, we have proudly featured many of our Beedie Luminaries. Today, we’d like to begin the introduction of our Mentors who have generously volunteered their time to support our inaugural cohort!

Meet mentor Gayle Hunter who is a Partner at the law firm, Blakes, Cassels & Graydon LLP.
Why did you decide to become a mentor with Beedie Luminaries?
The program resonated with me, as my family did not have the financial means to send me to post-secondary education when I graduated from high school. I did eventually go to university and obtained a law degree, through work, self funding and what help my family could provide to me. I understand the challenge of having the academic skills, but being held back by financial issues.
What is the best advice your mentor has ever given you?
You have ability. Make use of it, and do not squander it.
What would you tell your 18 year-old self now?
Believe in yourself. You are capable, and you can do it.
What are you reading right now?
The Power of Habit (UBC Alumni book club)