Amber Fill from Cohort 2020 is hoping to dual major in History and Environmental Science at UVIC. Read more about Amber here.
What is your field of study and why does it interest you?
I am lucky to be able to study two of my passions: history and environmental studies. I grew up predominantly in England and was surrounded by such rich history, leading me to fall in love with the field. Furthermore, I am also very dedicated to conserving our ecosystems and am interested in political ecology, hence why I am in environmental studies.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
“Jump, just jump”. My mum has always said this to me… essentially it means take every opportunity you can and always strive to push yourself out of your comfort zone! You just have to go for it and take a chance, otherwise you will never grow!
What would you name the autobiography of your life?
“Anyone fancy a cup of tea?”
Do you have a motto or personal mantra?
Live kindly and spread positivity wherever possible!
What was the last experience that made you a better person?
I spent my first year of online university on campus at UVIC, and quickly became aware that there were a lot of students, including myself, who were struggling to meet people due to the lack of in person classes and activities. Therefore, as a way to meet new people and help other students build connections, I independently started, promoted and carried out a Covid-safe hiking group. It was really fun, and I was able to learn about myself while also making new friends!
What is something you learned in the last week?
It’s okay to take time for yourself!
What’s the coolest (or most important) trend you see today?
More and more people have been using their voices and platforms to demand environmental justice, as well as justice for Indigenous peoples. This is so important; I love how people are so willing to stand up for what they believe in. The Fairy Creek blockade and protests are great examples of this.
Who inspires you and why?
My great auntie Marcel. I have always seen her as such a powerful, strong woman. She has so much life experience, had an amazing career as a teacher and has visited countless countries. Not to mention, she always has such a contagious, positive energy. I aim to be as dedicated, adventurous and kind as she is.
What would people be surprised to find out about you?
I am converting to a zero-waste lifestyle!
What is your favourite thing about being a part of Beedie Luminaries?
I love being a part of a community that is so supportive and that genuinely cares about your successes. Not to mention my amazing peer group!
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