Next up on the introduction of Beedie Luminaries, we are excited to introduce Zan Jawaid. Zan has begun his first year studying in the Mechatronics Systems Engineering program at SFU.
What is your name?
Zan Jawaid
What post-secondary school will you be attending?
Simon Fraser University
What program will you be taking in post-secondary and why does it interest you?
Mechatronics Systems Engineering. I really like to know how things work and how the world around us functions. This program also allows me to innovate and show the peak of what humans are capable of.
Tell us a little bit about your background (growing up, going to school, extra-curricular activities, etc.).
I have been living in Delta for around 9 years (I moved from Surrey). Growing up I always loved sports both watching and playing. My favourite team to watch is the Seattle Seahawks. To me, sport is a place where people bond no matter your race, religion, etc. I made friends when I first moved to Delta through athletics, and I will always be fascinated by how athletics can unite humanity.
Although I don’t play sports professionally, I strive to stay fit through weight training, which I have been doing for the past year. Growing up I always had a knack for how things work, whether it be how a TV works to how planes can fly. Legos were my favourite toy because I loved to build things and stop believe it’s something all children should try. This desire to know how the world around me works was the driving reason why I want to become an engineer.
Who inspires you, and why?
My biggest inspiration would be 49ers cornerback Richard Sherman. He grew up in Compton, CA and endured many struggles growing up such as gang life, he managed to get a 4.2 GPA in high school and get into Stanford. He would eventually get drafted into the NFL, play for the Seattle Seahawks, go All-pro and win Super Bowl 48 and be part of a historic defence. Seeing Sherman’s story of overcoming adversity always inspires me and encourages me to be the best I can be.
What motivates you, and why?
My mom is always the person who motivates me. Seeing how hard she works for our family and the amount of time she still makes for us, I cannot imagine how much she has to sacrifice for us. I am forever thankful, and honoured to have someone like her. I want to show her that her sacrifices and hard work have paid off by buying her a car and demonstrating my success.
What are your goals for the upcoming school year?
My goal for this school year would be to just be the best I can be and that is by studying hard, doing my homework, networking with people, doing well on my exams, and be at the peak of my mental and physical capability.
What is one thing you learned in high school that you will take with you to post-secondary?
Always make a schedule, whether it be a planner, a reminder in your phone, or even a sticky note on your bathroom mirror. Always set goals that you wish to accomplish, and seeing them over and over you will push you to complete them. Managing your time is an extremely underrated aspect of life and the ones that do it wall will succeed.
What is one piece of advice you’d give to future Luminaries?
Work hard. Nothing can beat hard work no matter what field you are trying to study, as long as you can be the best in your position. Always strive to be the best because if you settle for less you will never get to where you want to be.
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