Applicants for the RISE Scholarship need to be between 20 and 35 years old to be eligible for the award.
“People come from various challenging backgrounds so we wanted to identify those students who could excel if they were given the opportunity,” Ryan Beedie, president of Vancouver-based Beedie Luminaries, says of the scholarship foundation’s newest program for refugees and new immigrants. “We wanted to target students that were facing adversity—maybe they’re B or B+ students that might not qualify for other scholarships because they’re not straight A students, but they would be straight A students if they had the same opportunities.”
The RISE Scholarship (Refugee and Immigrant Student Education Awards) is looking to award 10 scholarships worth $44,000 each. It’s a higher amount than previous awards because the organization is adjusting all program offerings for inflation and rising costs of living. RISE is targeted towards refugees and new immigrants who immigrated to Canada in their 20s or 30s, who want to go back to school but are facing economic and circumstantial barriers to doing so
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