From Abbotsford, B.C., Emily Meier of the 2019 Cohort is one of our Beedie Luminaries studying Kinesiology at the University of British Columbia. Read more to learn about Emily.
What program will you be taking in post-secondary and why does it interest you?
I will be taking kinesiology. I am interested in the program because I have always been passionate about exercise. By learning about how movement affects human health perfectly relates to my love for activity. I also get great satisfaction in helping people become better versions of themselves mentally and physically and I think kinesiology will lead me into the career path that will incorporate my passions. My end goal is to hopefully become a physiotherapist.
Tell us a little bit about your background (growing up, going to school, extra-curricular activities, etc.).
I have lived my whole life on my family’s dairy farm, where I helped with chores and other farm jobs. From a young age, my family taught me the value of hard work and how beneficial it is for achieving success. Besides farm chores, I spent a lot of time doing homework and study for my heavily academic classes. I was very determined to be at the top of my classes and took mainly honors classes in high school to push myself to my full potential.
Not only was education a big part of my life but music as well. I took piano lessons for 8 years and can play at an RCM level 6. Also, I am a very competitive rugby player. I have been playing for ten years now and have made it to representing my province on numerous occasions for 15s and 7s. I was also long listed for the Canada U18 15s team but I will most likely be unable to play on the team due to a recent ankle fracture in April 2019. For now, I am working towards recovery with the UBC women’s rugby team while also studying at the university.
Who inspires you, and why?
Both of my parents are strong, determined people who put their children first. My dad has spent countless hours working in the barn so that my siblings and I can go to sport competitions and other extra curricular activities. Although, my mom has shown me perseverance by helping me push through countless gym sessions that either help my injury recovery or improve fitness. She also has shown up to every major event in my life and always made sure that my siblings and I felt unconditionally loved.
What motivates you, and why?
Being around other elite athletes that have the same goals and aspirations to excel in school and sport. I feel very energized and in my niche when being around those that manage to balance a varsity athlete’s lifestyle with going to school. School and sports mean a lot to me, so being around like-minded people motivates me to keep going and push even harder.
What are your goals for the upcoming school year?
To maintain an A or B average in all my classes. I would like to also keep my life as organized as possible since that is what will help keep my busy lifestyle a little less complicated. But finally, I want to make some life long friendships with people that I have a lot in common with. I think the university life offered at UBC will be the perfect place to find that.
What is one thing you learned in high school that you will take with you to post-secondary?
I have learned that organization is key and that reminding yourself of your goals throughout the semester can really help motivate you when times get tough. I have also realized that planning for your future by prioritizing school even if other kids aren’t doing it will always put you ahead in the end.
What is one piece of advice you’d give to future Luminaries?
As long as you know you are taking the right steps to complete a goal, there should be no need to stress.
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