Say “hi” to Ivy Liao from Cohort 2019! Ivy has started her UBC journey studying Commerce at the Sauder School of Business. Read more about Ivy below.
What program will you be taking in post-secondary and why does it interest you?
I will be studying in the faculty of commerce. Although I’m not quite sure what career path I want to head in, I know that studying business will allow me to develop a very strong toolkit that will better enable me to help more people (especially financially) in the way that many people have helped me and my family.
Tell us a little bit about your background (growing up, going to school, extra-curricular activities, etc.).
Growing up, my family was low-income, so my brother and I spent a ton of time at the library and at our local community centre playing sports and participating in other activities. Throughout elementary school and high-school, I became very involved with a diverse range of school sports and clubs. For example, I created and coach a table tennis team at my high-school, was the secretary on my student council, and devoted time with leading our Recycling Club. I have also been given the opportunity to play table tennis competitively outside of school. This has enabled me to experience so many things that I wouldn’t have been able to otherwise.
Who inspires you, and why?
My parents inspire me the most. I know how tough it was for them to start new lives in Canada as independent immigrants, but they always tried to provide me and my brother with the best, allowing us to experience so many amazing opportunities and become the people we are today, which I am so grateful for.
What motivates you, and why?
The thought of a positive future motivates me. Even though I may go through tough challenges, I always know that I will eventually get through this as a stronger person, and everything will be ok.
What are your goals for the upcoming school year?
This year, I would like to have a solid community on campus at UBC. Additionally, I want to be able to say that I’ve tried my best on all my courses and successfully finish my first year of university.
What is one thing you learned in high school that you will take with you to post-secondary?
I think time management is an important thing I learned that I will continue to improve on in university.
What is one piece of advice you would give to future Luminaries?
Be unique. There are so many influences on us from society today telling us what we should strive to be, but I think the coolest thing you can be is just yourself, as everyone has amazing things to bring to the table.
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