Sina Allen, a dedicated Beedie Luminary, has always been fascinated by how things work. From aircraft mechanics to software design, he loves exploring intricate details. His curiosity drives him to understand the inner workings of the world. Now, Sina studies Mechatronics Engineering at the University of British Columbia. This program deepens his knowledge across mechanical, electrical, and software engineering. It’s the perfect path for him to fuel his journey toward innovation and discovery.
Read on to learn more about Sina’s academic path and what inspires him to keep exploring!
What is your field of study and why does it interest you?
Mechatronics Engineering. It started with a passion for aircrafts and how they work, and as I grew up I developed interest in computers and software. Mechatronics Engineering explores the intersection of Mechanical and Electrical systems, which is perfect for me.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
It’s very difficult for me to choose one, however when I was about 7 or 8 years old, I got into an argument with my mother about my grades and she told me to never compare my self to the average, and to not be satisfied until I have gotten to the top. Due to her being upset during that time, this advice got drilled into my head and it had a big impact in shaping my competitive nature as a person.
What would you name the autobiography of your life?
“Don’t think about it too hard”.
Do you have a motto or personal mantra?
“Accept Responsibility and move on”.
What was the last experience that made you a better person?
Being away from my immediate family has pushed me to accept more responsibility for my self and made it clear to me that nothing in life is more important than relationships that we hold. Even above our career and academic aspirations.
What is something you learned in the last week?
Being a Resident Advisor at UBC, I have had the opportunity to talk to many people from all walks of life and with various motivations. This past week I have come to realize that even with the highest achieving people among us that often cause insecurities in others, they too have self-doubts, vulnerabilities and emotional struggles to get through.
What’s the coolest (or most important) trend you see today?
Space travel becoming cool again, specially with the work that SpaceX & NASA are doing!
Who inspires you and why?
Both my parents. By immigrating to Canada, they sacrificed their businesses, immediate family, home and everything they accumulated in the first 30-40 years of their lives. They did all of this just to take a risk on a better future for my sister and I. I am forever grateful for what they did, and for bringing me in this country that gives me the privilege of being rewarded for hard work, something that many people around the world don’t have.
What would people be surprised to find out about you?
Contradictory to the stereotype of my field of study, I am very much interested in business, networking and startups!
What is your favourite thing about being a part of Beedie Luminaries?
They say that you become the average of the people around you. From meeting other Luminaries who inspire me every time we see each other to my amazing mentor Paulo, I have the pleasure of being a part of such intelligent, resilient and hardworking community that push me to achieve great things everyday.
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